Ames Super Primer, 5 Gallon
*Color: Clear
*Sheen: Flat
*Product Type: Bonding Primer
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Tintable: No
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Time Before Recoating: 2 hr.
*Full Cure Time: 2 hr.
*Recommended Surface: Concrete/Masonry
*Coverage Area: 500-1,000 sq. ft.
Bulls Eye 123 Primer For All Surfaces
*Sub Brand: Bulls Eye 123
*Color: Grey
*Product Type: Primer
*Container Size: 13 oz.
*Tintable: No
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Time Before Recoating: 30 min
*Coverage Area: 10-12 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 7 day
Universal Bonding Primer White
*Sub Brand: Universal
*Color: White
*Sheen: Flat
*Product Type: Bonding Primer
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*Tintable: No
*Clean Up: Mineral Spirits
*Coverage Area: 100 sq. ft.
*Stain Blocking: No
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
Brand Name: Zinsser
*Sub Brand: Bulls Eye 123 Plus
*Color: White
*Product Type: Primer
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Coverage Area: 400 sq. ft.
*VOC Level: Zero VOC
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Full Cure Time: 7 day
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*Tintable: Yes
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
Brand Name: Zinsser
*Sub Brand: Bulls Eye 123 Plus
*Color: White
*Product Type: Primer
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*VOC Level: Zero VOC
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Coverage Area: 100 sq. ft.
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Tintable: Yes
*Full Cure Time: 7 day
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Time Before Recoating: 2 hr.
Brand Name: Zinsser
*Sub Brand: Bulls Eye Zero
*Color: White
*Sheen: Smooth
*Product Type: Primer
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*VOC Level: Zero VOC
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Full Cure Time: 2 day
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*Tintable: Yes
*Coverage Area: 400 sq. ft.
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
Brand Name: Zinsser
*Sub Brand: Cover Stain
*Color: White
*Product Type: Primer and Sealer
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Tintable: Yes
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Coverage Area: 400 Non-Porous; 300 Porous sq. ft.
*Sub Brand: Fresh Start
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: White
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Coating Material: Alkyd
*Product Type: Primer
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Coverage Area: 112.5 - 137.5 sq. ft.
*Water Resistant: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 8 hr.
*VOC Level: 344 g/L
*Recommended Surface: Multiple Surfaces
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Clean Up: Mineral Spirits/Paint Thinner
*Tintable: No
*Sub Brand: Peel Stop
*Color: White
*Sheen: Smooth
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Coating Material: Acrylic
*Product Type: High Build Binding Primer
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Odor Level: Low Odor
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Tintable: No
*Time Before Recoating: 2 hr.
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Full Cure Time: 24 hr.
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Coverage Area: 200 sq. ft.
Brand Name: KILZ
*Color: White
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Primer and Sealer
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Clean Up: Water
*Coverage Area: 1500-2000 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 30 day
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Tintable: Yes
KILZ 2 1-gal. Latex Interior/Exterior Prim
*Color: White
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Primer and Sealer
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Full Cure Time: 30 day
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Tintable: Yes
*Clean Up: Water
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*Coverage Area: 300-400 sq. ft.
KILZ 2 1-qt. Latex Interior/Exterior Prime
*Color: White
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Primer and Sealer
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Coverage Area: 75-100 sq. ft.
*VOC Level: 100 g/L
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Full Cure Time: 30 day
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Tintable: Yes
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Clean Up: Water
Brand Name: KILZ
*Sub Brand: Complete
*Color: White
*Sheen: Flat
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Primer
*Container Size: 5 gal.
*Full Cure Time: 30 day
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Time Before Recoating: 2 hr.
*Coverage Area: 1,500-2,000 sq. ft.
*VOC Level: 350 g/L
*Tintable: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Clean Up: Mineral Spirits
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
Kilz General Purpose Interior Primer
*Sub Brand: General Purpose
*Color: White
*Sheen: Flat
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Primer and Sealer
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Coverage Area: 300-400 sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*VOC Level: 95 g/L
*Tintable: Yes
*Full Cure Time: 30 day
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
Brand Name: KILZ
*Sub Brand: Premium
*Color: White
*Sheen: Flat
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Primer and Sealer
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Full Cure Time: 30 day
*Odor Level: Low Odor
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*VOC Level: 5 g/L
*Clean Up: Water
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Coverage Area: 300-400 sq. ft.
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Tintable: Yes
KILZ 1-qt. Premium Water-Base Interior/Ext
*Sub Brand: Premium
*Color: White
*Sheen: Flat
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Primer and Sealer
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Clean Up: Water
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Tintable: Yes
*Coverage Area: 75-100 sq. ft.
*Odor Level: Low Odor
*Full Cure Time: 30 day
*VOC Level: 5 g/L
Brand Name: Zinsser
*Color: White
*Product Type: Mold Killing Primer
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Tintable: No
*Full Cure Time: 7 day
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*Coverage Area: 400-450 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
Brand Name: Zinsser
*Color: White
*Product Type: Mold Killing Primer
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Tintable: No
*Coverage Area: 100-112.5 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 7 day
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
Brand Name: Zinsser
*Sub Brand: Peel Stop
*Color: Clear
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Bonding Primer
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Full Cure Time: 2 hr.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Coverage Area: 300-400 sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 2 hr.
*Tintable: No
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Stain Blocking: No
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*VOC Level: 60 g/L
*Odor Level: Low Odor
Brand Name: Zinsser
*Sub Brand: Peel Stop
*Color: Clear
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Bonding Primer
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Odor Level: Low Odor
*Coverage Area: 75-100 sq. ft.
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Time Before Recoating: 2 hr.
*Stain Blocking: No
*Full Cure Time: 2 hr.
*Tintable: No
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
Insl-x Int/Ext Latex Primer All Multi-Surf
*Sub Brand: Prime All
*Color: White
*Sheen: Flat
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Primer
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*Odor Level: Low Odor
*Tintable: Yes
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*Coverage Area: 400 sq. ft.
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Recommended Surface: Multiple Surfaces
Insl-x Latex Primer All Multi-Surface
*Sub Brand: Prime All
*Color: White
*Sheen: Flat
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Coating Material: Acrylic Latex
*Product Type: Primer
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Odor Level: Low Odor
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Full Cure Time: 1 day
*VOC Level: 50 g/L
*Coverage Area: 400 sq. ft.
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Tintable: Yes
*Recommended Surface: Multiple Surfaces
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
Zinsser Coverstain 100 VOC Classic Oil Pri
*Sub Brand: Cover Stain
*Color: White
*Product Type: Primer
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Time Before Recoating: 2 hr.
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Tintable: Yes
*Clean Up: Mineral Spirits
*Coverage Area: 400 sq. ft.
*Full Cure Time: 7 day
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*VOC Level: Low VOC
*Sub Brand: Cover Stain
*Color: White
*Product Type: Primer
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*VOC Level: 350 g/L
*Tintable: Yes
*Coverage Area: 100 sq. ft.
*Clean Up: Mineral Spirits
*Full Cure Time: 7 day
*Time Before Recoating: 2 hr.
Brand Name: Zinsser
*Sub Brand: BIN
*Color: White
*Product Type: Primer and Sealer
*Container Size: 1 gal.
*Full Cure Time: 3 day
*Time Before Recoating: 20 min
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor
*Clean Up: Mineral Spirits
*Tintable: Yes
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Coverage Area: 500 sq. ft.
Brand Name: Zinsser
*Sub Brand: BIN
*Color: White
*Product Type: Primer and Sealer
*Container Size: 1 qt.
*Tintable: Yes
*Stain Blocking: Yes
*Coverage Area: 125 sq. ft.
*Time Before Recoating: 45 min
*Recommended Surface: All Surfaces
*Full Cure Time: 3 day
*Clean Up: Mineral Spirits
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor and Outdoor